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Yaşamak, sadece var olmak değil, evrende benzersiz bir iz bırakmaktır

An Educational Journey That Touches Real Life

Born in Izmir '78, living in Izmir until the age of forty-two, and making a radical decision with my family to come to Istanbul to fully experience the city that has hosted its history, location and many different cultures since my childhood, which I admire, a mother of two sons aged twenty-five and eighteen, one of whom is a companion to the street dog Tarçın and the other to Lucky since the moment he was born, married for twenty-seven years; accepting learning, teaching, struggling, working, sharing, researching the life stories of all living things in the universe and of course eternal love as a philosophy, I feel and make others feel the ''human virtue'' in my bones... Schools and Educations Received; * Child Development and Education * Management and Organization * Law Office Management and Assistance * Justice (Law sub-branch) * Life Coaching and NLP Expertise * Senior Executive Assistant Training

Student Coaching That Teaches Life

Öğrenci Koçluğu

(Bireysel Koçluk)

"A Future That Suits Your Spirit" "Academic success is crowned with individuals knowing and understanding themselves and fully revealing their potential. Müberra Tatari set out to guide students on their journey of inner discovery, not just knowledge, and to help them gain life skills. In this journey, she addresses issues such as young individuals knowing themselves, learning and adopting ethical values, their responsibilities within society and making career choices that suit their personalities. In addition to the personal services she provides, she aims to guide students to discover their own spiritual raw materials by going beyond classical education with the projects she produces in order to reach a wider audience. Her aim is to contribute to their existence as strong and confident individuals, not only in exams, but in every aspect of life. Müberra Tatari continues to produce solutions by blending the deficiencies she observes in the education and business world.

Born in Izmir '78, living in Izmir until the age of forty-two, and making a radical decision with my family to come to Istanbul to fully experience the city that has hosted its history, location and many different cultures since my childhood, which I admire, a mother of two sons aged twenty-five and eighteen, one of whom is a companion to the street dog Tarçın and the other to Lucky since the moment he was born, married for twenty-seven years; accepting learning, teaching, struggling, working, sharing, researching the life stories of all living things in the universe and of course eternal love as a philosophy, I feel and make others feel the ''human virtue'' in my bones... Schools and Educations Received; * Child Development and Education * Management and Organization * Law Office Management and Assistance * Justice (Law sub-branch) * Life Coaching and NLP Expertise * Senior Executive Assistant Training

Müberra Tatari logo
'nin Meslekler ve
Ekosisteme Hizmet Ağı Atlası
Meslekler Atlası

Born in Izmir '78, living in Izmir until the age of forty-two, and making a radical decision with my family to come to Istanbul to fully experience the city that has hosted its history, location and many different cultures since my childhood, which I admire, a mother of two sons aged twenty-five and eighteen, one of whom is a companion to the street dog Tarçın and the other to Lucky since the moment he was born, married for twenty-seven years; accepting learning, teaching, struggling, working, sharing, researching the life stories of all living things in the universe and of course eternal love as a philosophy, I feel and make others feel the ''human virtue'' in my bones... Schools and Educations Received; * Child Development and Education * Management and Organization * Law Office Management and Assistance * Justice (Law sub-branch) * Life Coaching and NLP Expertise * Senior Executive Assistant Training

Müberra Tatari nin sunumu ile gerçekleşecek olan "Meslekler ve Ekosisteme Hizmet Ağı Atlası" seminerini kimler talep edebilir ?

Seminer Süresi : 90 dakikadır.

  • Özel Okullar ve Kurs Merkezleri (ilköğretim-Lise)

  • Üniversiteler

  • Sağlık Çalışanları

  • Belediyeler ve Yerel Yönetimler

  • Gençlik Merkezleri

  • Halk Eğitim Merkezleri

  • Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları

  • Tüm İşletmeler ve Kurumlar

  • İnsan Kaynakları Departmanları

  • Kariyer Merkezleri

  • Danışmanlık Şirketleri 

  • Kooperatifler ve Esnaf Odaları


Kapsamlı bir meslek haritası ve ekosistem ilişkileri ağı ile öğrencilere karmaşık sistemler hakkında basit ve anlaşılır bir bakış açısı sunuyor. 

Şu anda sunumu seminerler aracılığı ile öğrencilere ve çalışanlara yapılmaktadır.

Resmi kanallar ile okullarda demirbaş materyal olarak kullanılması için 

Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı ile Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından değerlendirme aşamasındadır.


Hayat Okulu, genç bireylerin yaşam becerilerini geliştirmelerine ve kendi potansiyellerini keşfetmelerine rehberlik eden bir projedir. Proje kapsamında 4 farklı atölyede eğitim verilmesi planlanmıştır.

Eğitim kurumlarının bu projeyi benimsemesi, öğrencilerine sınav başarısından öte, evrensel değerleri ve bireysel farkındalıkları kazandırma fırsatı sunar. Ayrıca, yaşam becerilerini geliştiren bu yaklaşım, okulu sadece akademik bir merkez olmaktan çıkarıp, geleceğin bireylerini inşa eden bir platform haline getirir. Hayat Okulu'nun eğitim programına entegrasyonu, kurumların vizyonunu farklılaştırarak ailelerin tercihlerinde öncelik haline gelmesine katkıda bulunacaktır.

Bu proje, eğitim kurumlarının çağın ihtiyaçlarına uygun, yenilikçi bir yaklaşım sunmasına ve öğrencilerin yalnızca sınavlarda değil, yaşamın her alanında başarılı bireyler olmalarına olanak tanır.

İleride franchise altyapısına uygun hale gelebilecek bu proje, istendiği takdirde özel okullara, eğitim merkezlerine, belediyeler, sosyal sorumluluk vakıflarına ve derneklere iş birliği için sunulabilir.

"Geleceğimiz çocuklarımızın eğitimi benim, bizim önceliğimizdir" diyen tüm melek yatırımcılara açık projedir.

Her iki projenin tüm hakları Müberra Tatari ye aittir. İzinsiz kopyalanması ve uygulanması yasal yükümlülük getirecektir.


Cormorant Garamond is a classic font with a modern twist. It's easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

Born in Izmir '78, living in Izmir until the age of forty-two, and making a radical decision with my family to come to Istanbul to fully experience the city that has hosted its history, location and many different cultures since my childhood, which I admire, a mother of two sons aged twenty-five and eighteen, one of whom is a companion to the street dog Tarçın and the other to Lucky since the moment he was born, married for twenty-seven years; accepting learning, teaching, struggling, working, sharing, researching the life stories of all living things in the universe and of course eternal love as a philosophy, I feel and make others feel the ''human virtue'' in my bones... Schools and Educations Received; * Child Development and Education * Management and Organization * Law Office Management and Assistance * Justice (Law sub-branch) * Life Coaching and NLP Expertise * Senior Executive Assistant Training

Müberra Tatari

"Dünyayı değiştirebileceğini düşünecek kadar çılgın olanlar, dünyayı değiştirenlerdir"

Ben Kimim
Çapa 1
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